building construction services

7 Construction Myths That Are Baseless

Just like any other industry, there are various misconceptions held by people outside the construction industry. It is very easy to stereotype an industry if you’ve never been a part of it until you see the real side. This holds especially for the construction industry. In this segment, we will be talking about the top construction myths that are baseless:

1. Finding a job in construction is very easy

This myth is far from the truth! Construction workers are hired based on their skills and speciality which is not common amongst many. People go attend programs to learn the skills needed for this industry. This industry demands continuous training and learning to ensure that all the employees always stay up to date with the ever-changing demand. They undergo training in the form of safety classes, construction technology, seminars and professional workshops.

2. Contractors are terrible with their communication

Apart from overseeing the equipment, labour and building material supplies in Bihar, general contractors also focus daily liaison for subcontractors, owners, architects and developers. You can witness weekly team meetings held at the construction site by the contractors to communicate with the daily updates, discussion on future steps and answer the queries put up by the owners. Clear communication helps the entire project to move forward as per the strategy while the owner is also satisfied by the project.

3. No women work in construction

Many people believe that the construction industry belongs only to men, however, this doesn’t hold at all! Although the construction industry has more numbers of men than women, there are still a lot of them working as an integral part of the industry once you look to get building construction services in Bihar.

4. A dangerous industry to work

While the construction site is a hazardous place, there are still multiple safety regulations and standards that make the construction industry safer than ever before. The previous decades have witnessed a lot of work fatalities at the construction site. With better regulations coming in, the number of fatal work injuries has come down drastically over the period. Some of the notable steps include more training and safety meetings, features on tools and equipment and focusing on risk management plans.

5. You can’t become successful in the construction

The construction industry is huge and there are enormous opportunities for you to avail yourself. With so many opportunities in the building that ranges from hotels to homes and skyscrapers, the chances for success increase. The average salary for a construction project manager in India is roughly around 3-25lacs. And the chances to earn are more with the constant growth in the industry. With hard work and the right skills, this industry is best suitable for a very decent living.

6. Graduates have no place in construction

An absolute myth! Although not all roles in the construction industry demand a college degree, there’s a lot you can achieve for ones with the degree. For individuals looking to pursue a management role such as construction project manager, having a degree would be very helpful. Graduates will find that they have various opportunities available for them in the construction industry.

7. Construction harms the environment

While construction may have harmed the environment in the past but in today’s time, it puts a huge emphasis on green building. Most of the modern buildings are designed and built in an environmentally friendly way. The construction industry knows the importance of keeping the environment protected and has also taken steps in keeping the building as green as possible.

This shows us that there are still various misconceptions among people regarding the construction industry that are untrue. So, the next time you hear something like this, you should think twice before believing it!